inner guidance

Are you struggling to make a decision? Do you need guidance you can trust?
Does it feel like something's blocking your progress?
Would you like insight or clarity about something important to you?

You have wisdom beyond your intellect you can draw on to guide you.

I can facilitate access for you to resources that are usually below the threshold of your awareness.

I’ve helped people access inner guidance around life and career transitions, house moves, health conditions, habits and a host of other issues.

The issue you bring to our session can be big or small. It can focus on healing hurts from the past, or ensuring things go well in the future.

In one session, we break down obstacles or behaviours that are preventing you from moving forward. So you have flow in the direction of more ease and joy in your life.

It’s well established that in order for someone to change, they must change both consciously and unconsciously.

Mike Mandel

Things can be different than they are very soon…even if you can’t see how to get there right now.

Dike Drummond

Travel compass.

what's involved?

You sit back, relax, and follow my guidance on a relaxing journey through your inner landscape, or Mindscape. Your mind will present your issue via metaphor. It’s like unearthing a metaphorical treasure map.

We ensure there’s a clear path from where you are now, to where you want to be. If you don’t yet know where that is, this becomes part of the exploration.

I’ll invite you to visualise things (or get in touch with the idea of them), describe them and notice changes. In changing the metaphors, you create positive transformations in your life. It can feel like the universe is transforming itself around your intentions, with little conscious effort on your part.

It’s a fascinating, enlightening and thoroughly enjoyable experience. Both profound and playful.

People often say changes continue to resonate and produce positive shifts long after the session ends. For my part, I continue to be guided by a Mindscape that was facilitated for me over a year ago.

want help from your inner guide?

Would you like to experience moving forward more effortlessly?

Travel compass.

what does a session look like?

Play Video about A woman with her eyes closed, stretches out her hand.

Take a peek at what it a session looks like in this 2-minute video compilation of snippets from sessions with clients.

I’m grateful to these fabulous women for generously allowing me to share this footage with you.

Thanks too to Mike Mandel, the creator of this incredible change-work tool, called Mindscaping.

Travel compass.

Questions about inner guidance session

It’s €90 for this standalone session with me.

It usually takes between 25 and 45 minutes. We’ll schedule a 60-minute session in case you need a little longer. I don’t like to rush people out of the door!

Sessions are either online via Zoom, or at my clinic in Dublin, Ireland.

Absolutely, you can. Just click on the ‘Book now’ button to schedule and I’ll send you a payment link.

For other services or longer programmes, I like us to have a chat before you book, to make sure we’re a good fit to work together. 

Yes, you can book this on someone’s behalf, or as a gift. Perhaps for someone who has a big decision to make. Or someone struggling to make progress in an area of their life.

I won’t need to speak to the person attending the session before we begin.

I’ll be happy to answer your questions. Give me a call, email, or send a message via my Contact page.

Travel compass.

what people are saying

Thanks so much for the session, Helen. I really enjoyed building a wild space—I’d definitely go there again, A strange, unfamiliar sense of agency.


my story

Before I learned all this good stuff, I’d make endless lists of pros and cons. I’d exhaust myself trying to think through every eventuality.

Disconnected from my body, I took decisions that were disconnected from my deeper wellbeing. They were rational and logical, but neglected crucial knowledge about myself that was outside of my conscious awareness.

And so, I made some poor life decisions. This led me into soul-destroying situations; I ended up in mental and physical collapse.

Now, I do things differently. I check in with my inner wisdom and seek guidance. I explore ways of engaging with my bodymind, to access a knowing beyond the intellect.

This is a work in progress, but I can allow myself now to experience uncertainty with more ease, tune into what is arising and have greater trust in how life will unfold.

Lavender Scent

know someone who could benefit?

Tell them about this. Or book a session for them as a gift.