Are you struggling with menopause symptoms? Did you know hypnosis can help?

Are hot flushes disrupting your life and sleep?

Do you feel out of control with mood swings or rage?

Do you feel overwhelmed or anxious? Not like you anymore?

If any of this sounds familiar, keep reading. I can help.

Teal Petal

Research has shown that hypnosis can help women reduce hot flushes by 70 %.

And that hypnosis is as effective at treating hot flushes as HRT.

Hypnosis is a safe and natural approach, to combine with HRT or explore as an alternative.

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Here’s what you’ll get on this powerful programme
to manage your menopause symptoms with hypnosis

It’s as if you can reach out your hand and turn down the controls until you reach a comfortable temperature where you feel cooler, calmer and in control…

I’ll guide you through powerful techniques that put you in control of any hot flushes you may have.

Your mind will create images, sounds or sensations that are right for you. And as I guide you to explore your own metaphorical landscapes, you’ll experience soothing effects in body and mind.

Imagine you’re walking through a snowy landscape, you can smell the cold in the air, hear the crunch of snow under your feet and see the frost glistening on the path…

I’ll show you how to master these techniques for yourself, so you can quickly and easily reduce hot flushes, whenever and wherever you may need to.

I’ve always thought that if you’ve not experienced insomnia, you can’t appreciate how hellish it is: dreading going to bed because you’ll lie there tossing and turning, worrying how many hours are left before the alarm.

Waking, feeling absolutely wretched. Dragging yourself through the day, feeling sleep deprived, like you have a hangover. Then repeating the same cycle all over again the next day, and the next.

Now imagine how it would feel to take 20 minutes just for you, perhaps in the evening before bed. A time to settle down in a comfy chair, when nobody needs anything from you, to listen to the sound of my voice guiding you into a deep relaxation.

You’ll get a hypnotic audio recording included with the programme, which you can listen to at home whenever it suits you.

In hypnosis, you’ll experience relaxation that’s rejuvenating for body and mind. This enhanced relaxation carries through to your quality of sleep so you’ll no longer wake up tired and grouchy.

Learn how easy it is to get healthy, hypnotically.

Your body is changing. Your old lifestyle and habits may no longer be working for you. Smoking, alcohol, sugar and caffeine can have a big impact on night sweats and other menopause symptoms.

You may be noticing that the exercise regimen you’ve always followed isn’t keeping you in shape any more. Even worse, you’re ending up sore and aching.

If you need to make changes or tweaks here and there, I’ll help you stay motivated. And we’ll make sure that the changes you make stick and are long lasting. You’ll find it easy to commit to changing your lifestyle.

If emotional eating is a problem, we can select components for you from Attuned, my programme to help women overcome binge eating and overeating.

I know that in midlife, at this time of transition, it can feel like you’re bombarded with stressors from all directions.

Maybe your kids are leaving the nest. Or you’re downsizing your home. Or your own parents need more support. Or you and/or your partner are approaching retirement.

I’ll teach you simple techniques to turn down the flight, fright, freeze response that you might be experiencing as a pounding in your chest, feeling lightheaded or faint, or not being able to focus on tasks.

However you experience anxiety, these techniques will quickly return your body and mind to a state of calm.

Did you realise that your beliefs about menopause, which you’ve probably inherited, are affecting how you feel about yourself?

Together, we’ll look at your beliefs and notice if they’re impacting on your self esteem and wellbeing.

A real benefit of hypnosis is it enables us to access beliefs that you’re holding unconsciously, as well as those you’re aware of. As we explore them, you’ll have the option to replace them with beliefs that are beneficial for you. Your feelings will follow suit.

Menopause is a natural stage in life, not an illness. It doesn’t have to be a time of fear and misery. Nor is it the inevitable beginning of a decline into decrepitude or invisibility. 

It’s often time to take stock, a period of growth and the beginning of a new chapter. In this section of the programme, you’ll come to realise your horizons are broader than you might have thought. And that you have choices. 

And if you’re wondering, ‘Where am I going with my life?’, I can help you get clarity.

Here's the science

I believe knowledge is power, so let’s begin with some science. Let’s face it, for many of us this isn’t on our radar until it hits us. If I’m covering familiar ground, feel free to fast forward through this section.

Briefly, when you’re in perimenopause (meaning ‘around the time of menopause’), your levels of the hormone oestrogen begin to drop. This typically happens in your late 40s, but can be much earlier.

Oestrogen interacts with the part of your brain that affects body temperature. So, with dwindling levels of oestrogen, the brain sometimes detects too much body heat and does what it can to cool the body down. Like a power surge that you experience it as a hot flush.

For some of us, this can be uncomfortable. For others, perhaps for you, it can happen tens of times a day and feel downright distressing and embarrassing. It can chip away at your self esteem.

Oestrogen also functions as an emotion regulator. With massive fluctuations in oestrogen and in the hormone progesterone during perimenopause, we can feel like we’re on an emotional rollercoaster.

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Discover if HypnoMenopause might be the answer.

how much time will it take?

The HypnoMenopause programme includes 4 sessions; the first is 90 minutes and others are 60 minutes. You’ll notice positive change and have practical tools to take home from the very first session.

I recommend weekly or fortnightly appointments. Some women will achieve what they came for by the end of these 4 sessions. We’re all different. You might have particular challenges going on and would like more support. If so, after you’ve completed the 4 sessions, you’re welcome to book extra sessions in a bundle or individually.

Our sessions can take place online via Zoom, in person at my Dublin clinic, or a combination of both. If time’s an issue, you won’t need to factor in time for travelling or hunting around for a parking spot when we meet via video call.